1924 “The new Soviet codes and Soveit justice,” Mechegan law review, XXIII (Nov, 1924), 38-52.
1925 “American millionaires and multi-millionaires; a comparative statistical study,” Journal of social forces, III (May, 1925), 627-640.
1925 “Influence of the world war upon divorces,” Journal of applied sociology, (Nov-Dec, 1925), 131-134.
1926 “Changes in occupation and economic status of several hundreds of American famiies during four generations,” American Sociological Society, Publicatioins, XXXII (1926), 236-240.
1926 “Impoverishment and the expansion of governmental control,” American journal of sociology, XXXII (Sept, 1926), 206-216.
1926 “Monarchs and rulers; a comparative statistical study,” Social forces, IV (Sept, 1925; Mar, 1926), 22-35, 523-533.
1926 “Russian sociology in the twentieth century,” (German). “Die russische Soziologie im zwanzigsten Jahrhundert,” Jahrbuch fur Soziolgie, II (1926), 462-483.
1926 “Social mobility,” Journal of applied sociology, XI (Sept-Oct, 1926), 146-152.
1927 “Leaders of labor and radical movements in the United States and foreign countries,” American journal of Sociology, XXXIII (Nov, 1927), 382-411.
1927 “Pis’mo drugu o Rossii,” Bor’ba za Rossiiu/”La lute pour la Russie”, no 53 (nov. 26, 1927), 2-7.
1927 “Russian sociology in the twentieth century,” American Sociological Society, Publications, XXXI (1927), 57-69.;(In Simirenko, A., ed. Sovet sociology; historical antecendents and current appraisals. Chicago: 1966. P. 45-55)
1927 “Stratification sociale et eintelligence,” Revue international de sociologie, XXXV (sept-oct, 1927), 433-468.
1927 “A survey of the cyclical conception of social and historical processes,” Social forces, IV (Sept, 1927), 28-40.
1928 “Experiments zur Soziologie: uber die Intensitat gewisser in Handlungen und Worten zutage tretender Gesellungserscheinungen (Altruismus), im Zasammenhang mit sozialem Abstand,” Zeitschrift fur Volkerpsychologie und Soziologie, Jahrg. IV (Marz, 1928), 1-10.
1928 “Farmer leaders in the United States,” Social forces, VII (Sept, 1928), 33-45.
1928 Review of Geiger, T. Die Gestalten der Gesellung.Karlsruhe: 1928. “Theorie des Gesellschaftslebens,”Zeitschrift fur Volkerpsychologie und Soziologie, Jahrg. VI (Marz, 1930), 113-115.
1928 Revie of Institut Agraire International. Index bibliographique de la question agraire, Juil.-aout, 1928.
1929 “Die politische Einstellung der Farmer und Bauern,” with C.C. Zimmerman, Zeitschrift fur Volkerpsychologie und Soziologie, Jahrg. V (Marz, 1929), 1-25.
1929 “Some contrasts of contemporary European and American sociology: I, “ Social forces, VIII (Sept, 1929), 57-62.
1930 “An experimental study of efficiency of work under various specified conditions,” with M. Tanquist, M. Parten and Mrs. C.C. Zimmerman, American journal of sociology, XXXV (Mar, 1930), 765-737.
1930 “Bericht,” Zeitschrift fur Volkerpsychologie und Soziologie, Jahrg. VI (Marz, 1930), 123.
1930 “Sociology as a science,” (German). “Die Soziologie als Spezialwissenschaft,” Zeitschrift fur Volkerpsychologie une Soziologie, Jahrg. VI (Marz, 1930), 1-9.;(In Thurnwald, R., ed. Soziologie von heute. Leipzig: 1932. P.45-53)
1931 “Sociology as a science,” Social forces, X (Oct, 1931), 21-27.
1932 “Metabolism of the different strata of social institutions and intuitional continuity,” with C.A. Anderson, Metron, X (Sept. 15, 1932), 319-344.;(In International Congress for Studies on Population, 1st, Rome, 1931. Proceedings. Roma: 1933-1934. VIII, 119-147)
1932 “The principle of limits applied to problems of causal or functional relationship between societal variables and of the direction of social processes,” sociological Society of America, Publications, XXVI (Aug, 1932), 19-27.
1933 “Limits in social processes.” (In American Sociological Society. Social problems and social processes.” (In American Sociological Society. Social problems and social processes. Chicago: 1933. P.130-139)
1933 Review of Recent social trends in the United States: report of the President’s Research Committee on Social Trends. New York” 1933. “Recent social trends,” Journal of political economy, XLI (Apr., 1933), 194-210.
1933 “Studien zur Soziologie der Kunst, I,” Sociologus, IX (marz, 1933), 45-65.
1935 “The Course of Arabian intellectual development, 700-1300 A.D.; a study in method,” with R.K. Merton, Isis, XXII (Feb, 1935), 516-524.
1936 “The fluctuation of idealism and materialism in the Greco-Roman and European cultures from 600 B.C. to 1920 A.D.” With N.O. Lossky and I.I. Lapshin. (In Reine und angewandte Soziologie; eine Festgabe fur Ferdinand Tonnies. Leipzig: 1936. P.321-362)
1936 “Forms and problems of culture integration and methods of their sutyd,” Rural sociology, I (June, Sept, 1936), 121-141, 344-374.
1936 “Is accurate social planning possible?” American sociological review, I (Feb., 1936), 12-25.
1937 “Le concept d’equilibre est-il necessaire aux sciences socials,” Revue international de sociologie, XLIV (1937), 497-529.
1937 “Social time: a methodological and functional analysis,” with R.K. Merton, American journal of sociology, LII (Mar, 1937), 615-629.
1938 “A neglected factor of war,” American sociological review, III (Aug, 1938), 475-486.
1939 “Foreword”. (In lunden, W.A. the dymanics of higher education. Pittsburg: 1939. p.xi-xii)
1939 “Socio-cultural turned in Euro-American culture during the last hundred years.” (In A century of social thought. Durham, N.C.” 1939. P.303-321)
1939 “Tragic dualism of contemporary culture: its root and remedy.” P.90-106. (“A Sesquicentennial lecture given at Georgetown University, May 29, 1939. Sent for the Volume in honor of Professor In. Arn. Blaha.”) (In Sorokin studies, v.6); p.222-238. (In Sorokin studies, v.5); (In Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in t heir Relation to the Democratic Way of Life. Symposium, 1st, New York, 1940. Science, philosophy and religion. New York: 1941. P.90-119)
1940 “Foreword”. (In Tonnies, F. Fundamental concepts of sociology, New York: 1940. P.v-vii)
1940 Review of Toynbee, A.J. A study of history.” London: 1934-139. “Arnold J. Toynbee’s philosophy of history,” Journal of modern history, XII (Sept, 1940), 374-387.
1941 “Declaration of independence of the social sciences,” Social Science, XVI (July, 1941), 221-229.
1941 “Preface.” (In Ferreira, L.P. Von Wiese und die zeitgenoessische Beziehungslehre. Rio de Janeiro: 1941. P.5-6)
1941 Review of Horst, P. and others. The prediction of personal adjustment. New York: 1941. “A criticism of the prediction of personal adjustment,” American journal of sociology, XLVIII (July, 1941), 76-80.
1941 “Tragic dualism, chaotic syncretism, quantitative colossalism, and diminishing creativeness of the contemporary sensate culture,” American Catholic sociological review, (Mar, 1941), 1-22.
1942 “The cause and factors of war and peace,” American Historical Association, Report, III (1942), 83-95.
1942 “La influencia de las calamidades sobre la organizacion politica, economica y social,” Revista Mexicana de sociologia, vol. IV, no. 3 (1942), 7-32.
1942 Review of Alexander, F. Our age of unreason. Philadelphia: 1942. P.92-93. (In Sorokin studies, v.4)
1942 “There must be provisions for peaceful change.” (In Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America. Commission on a Just and Durable Peace. A righteous faith for a just an durable peace. New York: 1942. P.60-68)
1943 “The cause of war and conditions of a lasting peace.” (In Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life. Symposium, 4th, Columbia University, 1943. Approaches to World Peace. New York: 1944. P.88-109)
1943 “Remarks.” (In Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life. Symposium, 4th, Columbia University, 1943. Approaches to world peace. New York: 1944. P. 173m 485, 486-489, 678-680)
1943 Review of Wright, Q. A study of war. Chicago: 1942. “A study of war,” Ethics, LIII (Apr, 1943), 202-207.
1943 “Sociology and social research,” University review, (Summer, 1943), 250-254.
1944 “The conditions and prospects for a world without war,” American journal of sociology, XLIX (Mar, 1944), 441-449.
1944 “Sociocultural dynamics and evolutionism.”(Spanish). “Dinamica socio cultural y evolucionismo,” Revista Mexicana de sociologia, VI (mayo-agosto, 1944), 139-162.
1944 “Thesis on group tensions.” (In Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life. Symposium, 5th, Columbia University, 1944. Approaches to national unity. New York: 145. P.200-221); National Association of Deans of Women, Journal, (Jan., 1945), 51-54.
1945 “How Russia will look 25 years from now,” Sociometry, (May, 1945), 120-125.
1945 “El pluralism del alma empirica en el individuo y sus condiciones socials,” Revista Mexicana de sociologia, VII (set-dic, 1945), 307-329.
1945 “The roles of similarity and dissimilarty in social solidarity and antagonism,” (Portuguese). “O papel da semelhanca e dessemelhanca na solidariedade e antagonism sociais,” Servico social, (maco, 1945), 85-109.
1945 “Sociocultural dynamics and evolutionism.” (In Gurvitch, G. and W.E. Moore, eds. Twentieth century sociology: a symposium. New York: 1945. P.96-120.
1945 “The task of cultural rebuilding.” (in Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Institute for Religious and Social Studies. World order, edited by F.E. Johnson. New York: 1945. P.74-90)
1945 “War and post-war changes in social stratifications of the Euro-American population,” American sociological review, X (Apr, 1945), 294-303.
1945 “The world we shall live in.” (In Anderson, W.K, ed. Making the Gospel effective. Nashville, Tenn.: 1945. P.7-17)
1947 “The organized group (institution) and law norms.” (in Sayre, P., ed. Interpretations of modern legal philosophies. New York: 1947. P.668-695)
1947 “What is a social class?” (French). “Qu’est-ce qu’une classe sociale?’ Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, (1947), 57-86.
1948 “Mahatma Gandhi,” Vedanta quarterly, (Winter, 1948), 204-210.
1948 “Main methods, principles, and techniques of sociological research,” Sociology and social research, XXXIII (Sept-Oct, 1948), 4-7.
1948 “Rhine-Sorokin letters,” Journal of parapsychology, XII (Sept, 1948), 157-161.; (In Smith, Alson Jesse, ed The psychic source book. New York: 1951. P.410-414);(In Smith, Alson Jesse. Religion and the new psychology. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y.: 1951. P.185-188)
1948 “Similarity and dissimilarity as factors of altruism,” Sociology and social research, XXXII (Mar-Apr, 1948), 776-781.
1948 “Theses on the effects of science, particularly social and humanistic sciences, upon international tensions and solidarity.” (In conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life. New York: 1948. P.106-115)
1949 “Concept, tests and energy of spontaneity-creativity,” Sociometry, XII (Feb-Aug, 1949), 215-224. (In Sociometry in France and the United States. New York: 1950. p.215-224.
1949 “Kristus har lart mig fyra stora ting…” (In Northrop, F.S.C. Ideological differences and world order. New Haven: 1949. P.429-441)
1949 “The real causes of the Russian-American conflict,” World affairs, III (new. Ser.) (April, 1949), 113-121.
1949 “Toynbee’s philosophy of history (In the pattern of the past: can we determine it? Boston: 1949. P.95-126)
1950 “Afflictive and hostile tendencies of college students.” (In his EXPLORATIONS IN ALTRUISTIC LOVE AND BEHAVIOR. Boston: 1950. P. 263-294)
1950 “Love: its aspects, production, transformation and accumulation.” (In his EXPLORTATIONS IN ALTRUISTIC LOVE AND BEHAVIOR. Boston: 1950. P.3-73)
1950 “Nine theses on war and peace.” (In Pling, P.N., ed. God and the nations. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y.: 1950. P.106-128)
1950 “Notes on the friendly and antagonistic behavior of nursery school children.” With D.S. Gove. (In his EXPLORATIONS IN ALTRUISTIC LOVE AND BEHAVIOR. Boston: 1950. P.295-300)
1950 “Notes on the interdependence of philosophy and sociology,” Revue internationale de philosophie, no 13 (juil, 1950), 1-10.
1950 “Preface.” (In his EXPLORATIONS IN ALTRUISTIC LOVE AND BEHAVIOR. Boston: 1950. P.v-vi)
1951 “Amitology as an applied science of amity and unselfish love.” (In Specht, K.G., ed. Soziologische Forschung in unserer Zeit; ein Sammelwerk Leopold von Wiese zum 75. Geburtstag. Koln: 1951. P. 277-279)
1951 “Introduction.” (In Smith, A., ed. The psychic source book. New York: 1951. P.v-ix)
1951 “Polarization in frustration and crises,” Archiv fur Rechts – und sozialphilosophie, XXXIX (1951), 145-163.
1951 “Polarization in frustration and crises,” (Spanish). “Polarizacion en la frustracion y en las crisis,” Revista internacional de sociologia, ano IX (jul-set, 1951), 1-20.
1952 Review of Mannheim, K. Essays on the sociology of knowledge, edited by P. Kecskemeti. London: 1952. P.178-179. (In Sorokin studies, v.6)
1953 “El poder del amor creador.” (In Asociacion Mexicana de Sociologia Congreso Nacional de Sociologia, 4th, Mexico, 1953. Estudios sociologicos (sociologia de la educacion). Mexico: 1953. P.453+)
1953 “The power of creative love.” With R.C. Hanson. (In Montagu, A., ed. The meaning of love. New York: 1953. P.97-159)
1953 “The supraconscious in man’s mental structure, creativity, and cognition.” (Spanish). “El supraconsciente, su constutucion individual, creativedad y cognicion,” Revista internacional de socilogia, no. 41 (enero-marzo, 1953), 1-24.
1953 “What is a social class?” (In Bendix, R. and S.M. Lipset, eds. Class, status and power. Glencoe, Ill.” 1953. P.87-92)
1954 “Altruistic love.” (In Krich, A.M., ed. The anatomy of love. New York: 1960. P. 260-278) (From his WAYS AND POWER OF LOVE. Boston: 1954)
1954 “The case against sex freedom; a noted scientist’s warning,” This week, (Jan. 3, 1954), p.7+; (In Salisburry, R. Better language and thinking. New York: 1955. P.296-299)
1954 “Dynamics of interpersonal friendship and enmity.” (In his FORMS AND TECNIQUES OF ALTRUSTIC AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Boston: 1954. P.331-346)
1954 “Estructura mental y energies del hombre,” Revista Mexicana de sociologia, XIV (enero-abr., 1954), 43-66.
1954 “Preface.” (In his FORMS AND TECHNIQUES OF ALTRUISTIC AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Boston: 1954. P.v-viii)
1954 “Some activities of the Harvard Research Center in Creative Altruism,” Journal of human relations, II (Spring, 1954), 12-17.
1954 Studies of the Harvard Research Center in Creative Altruism. 1954. 8p.
1954 Studies of the Harvard Research Center in Creative Altruism. (French). “Les travaux du Centre de Recherches de Harvard sur l’Altruisme Createur,” Cahiers internationaux de sociologie, (1954), 92-103.
1954 “The supraconscious in man’s mental structure, creativity, and cognition.” (In Scritti di sociologia e politca in onore di Luigi Sturzo. Bologna: 1953-1954. III, 387-416); (In Singh, B., ed. The frontiers of social science. London: 1957. P.373-391)
1954 “The supraconscious in man’s mental structure, creativity, and cognition.”(Spanish). “Lo supraconsciente en la estructura mental del hombre, la actividad creadora y el conocimiento,” Revista Mexicana de sociologia, XIV (enero-abr, 1954), 67-97.
1954 “Tragedy and transcendence of tribal altruism.” (In Kapadia, K.M, ed. Professor Ghurye felicitation volume. Bombay: 1954. P.58-65)
1955 “Testomania,” Harvard educational review, (Fall, 1955).
1956 “El culto modern a la ‘fisica social ‘y a la ‘mecanica mental’.” (In spain. Consejo superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Instituto Balmes de Sociologia. Estudios sociologicos internacionales. Madrid: 1956. I, 619-647.
1956 “From tribal egoism to universal altruism.” (In Human relations and international obligations; a report of the Unesco-Indian Philosophical Congress symposium. Mysore: 1956. P.161-218)
1956 “Remarks on J.L. Moreno’s ‘Theory of spontaneity-creativity.” (In Moreno, J.L., ed. Sociometry and the science of man. New York: 1956. P.118-126)
1956 “Toynbee’s philosophy of history.” (In Montagu, A., comp. Toynbee and history. Boston: 1956. P. 172-190)
1956 “Testomania,” (Japanese). Americana, II (Aug, 1956), 31-43.
1956 “This is my faith.” (In Cole, S.G. this is my faith. New York: 1956. P.212-227)
1957 “The fine arts in the college curriculum,” Association of American Colleges, Bulletin, XLIII (Mar, 1957), 23-39
1957 “Foreword”. (In Cirtautas, C.K. The refugee. Boston: 1957. P.9-10)
1957 “Foreword”. ( In Tonnies, F. Community & society. East Lansing: 1957. P.ix-x); (New York: 1963. P. vii-viii)
1957 “A philosopher of love at Harvard: Integralism is my philosophy.” 1st ed. New York: 1957. P.178-189)
1957 “The power of your intuition.” (In Kinnear, W.H., ed. The creative powerin mind. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: 1957. P.211-218) (From his THE WAYS AND POWER OF LOVE. Boston: 1954)
1957 Review of Siu, R.G.H. The Tao of science: and assay on Western knowledge and Eastern wisdom. New York: 1957. American Association of Political and Social Science, Annals, p.146.
1958 “The mysterious energy of love,” Main currents in modern thought, XV (Sept, 1958), 1-7.; Vedanta and the West, no. 136 (1959), 7-20.; Science of mind, XXXII (Nov, 1959), 3-7; (In Akten des XVIII. Internationalen Soziologenkongresses (Nurnberg, 1958). 1960. I, 87-123)
1958 “Physicalist and mechanistic school.” (In Roucek, J.S., ed. Contemporary sociology. New York: 1958. P.1127-1176)
1958 “What is a social class?” (Spanish). “Que es una clase social?” (In Chile. Universidad, Santiago. Instituto de Sociologia. Antologia sobre estratificacion social. Santiago, Chile: 1958. P.263-293)
1958 ‘Yoga and man’s transfiguration,” Bhavan’s journal, V (No. 2, 1958), 111-120
1959 “Comment.” (In Standal, S.W. and R.J. Corsini, eds. Critical incidents in psychotherapy. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: 1959. P.22-23)
1959 “Forward from the Society.” (in Maslow, A.H., ed. New knowledge in human values. 1st ed. New York: 1959. p.xi-xiv)
1959 “Love – the most effective force in the world.” (In Peale, N.V., ed. Guideposts to a stronger faith. Carmel, N.Y.: 1959. P. 269-270)
1959 “The new supersensory superrational man,” Fate, XII (Apr, 1959), 56-64.
1959 “The powers of creative unselfish love.” (In Masloow, A.H., ed. New knowledge in human values. 1st ed. New York: 1959. P.3-12)
1959 “Rely to Professor Weisskopf.” (In Maslow, A.H, , ed. New knowledge in human values. 1st ed. New York: 1959. P.224-232)
1959 “Social and cultural dynamics.” (In Bierstedt, R., ed. The making of society. Rev. ed. New York: 1959. P.463-481)
1959 “Sociology among the social sciences.” (In Timasheff, N.S., P.W. Facey and J.C. Schlereth. General sociology. Milwaukee: 1959. P.18-21) (From his SOCIETY, CULTURE, AND PERSONALITY. New York: 1947. P.311-318)
1960 “How are sociological theories conceived, developed and validated?” Social science, XXXV (Apr, 1960), 78-91.
1960 “How are sociological theories conceived, developed and validated?” (Spanish). “Como se conciben, se desarrollan y se valuan las teorias sociolgicas?” Revista internatcional de sociologia no. 65 (enero-marzo, 1959), 1-19.
1960 The integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo (1872-1951).” (In Chaudhuri, H. and F. Spiegelberg, eds. The integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. London: 1960. P.205-212)
1960 “Mutual convergence of the United States and the U.S.S.R. to the mixed sociocultural type.” (German). “Soziologische und kulturelle Annaherungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und der Sowjetunion,” Zeitschrift fur Politik, Jahrg. VII (n.F.) (1960), 341-370.
1960 “Three basic trends of our items; the factors which are creating a new world culture,” Main currents in modern thought, XVI (Jan, Mar, 1960).
1961 “Extracts from two letters translated from the Russian and published with Dr. Sorokin’s permission.” (In head, J. and S.L. Cranston, eds. Reincarnation. New York: 1961. P.230-231.
1961 “General theory of creativity.” (In Syracuse University. Symposium Conference on Creative Arts Education. Creativity and psychological health, edited by M.F. Andrews. Syracuse, N.Y: 1961. P.1-12)
1961 “Love, altruistic.” (In Ellis, A. and A. Abarbanel, eds. The encyclopedia of sexual behavior. New York: 1961. P. 641-645)
1961 “Mutual convergence of the United States and the U.S.S.R. to the mixed sociocultural type.” (Spanish). Mutua convergencia de Estados Unidos y la URSS. Hacia un tipo socio cultural intermedio. Mexico: B. Costa-Amic, 1961. 155p. (In Same volume: En busca de un sistema integral de sociologia)
1961 “Physicalist and mechanistic school.” (Spanish). “La escuela fisicalist y la escuela mecanicista en sociologia,” Revista Mexicana de sociologia, vol. XXII, no. 3 (1961), 893-945.
1961 “The principle of immanent change.” (In Parsons, T., ed. Theories of society. New York: 1961. II, 1311-1321)
1961 “A quest for an integral system of sociology.” (In Memoire du XIXe Congress International de Sociologie. Mexico: 1961. III, 1-36)
1961 “A quest for an integral system of sociology.” (Spanish). En busca de un sistema integral de sociologia. Mexico: B. Costa-Amic, 1961. 155p. (In same volume: Mutua convergencia de Estados Unidos y la URSS. Hacia un tipo socio cultural intermedio)
1961 “Social stratification.” (In Parsons, T. and others. Theories of society. New York: 1961. I, 570-573)
1961 “Variations on the Spencerian theme of militant and industrial types of society,” Social science, XXXVI (Apr, 1961), 91-99.
1962 “The factor of creativity in human history,” Main currents in modern thought, (May-June, 1962), 99-104.; (In Unnithan, T.K.N., I. Deva and Y. Singh, eds. Towards a sociology of culture in India. New Delhi: 1965. P. 81-93)
1962 “Foreword.” (In Cairns, G.E. Philosophies of history. New York: 1962. P.v-vi)
1962 “The not-so-ugly Americans,” Rotarian, (Mar, 1962), 38-40/10-12/.
1962 “Practical influence of ‘impractical’ generalizing sociological theories,: Sociology and social research, XLVII (Oct., 1962), 34-44.;(In Motwani, K., ed. A critique of empiricism in sociology. Bombay, New York: 1967. P.1-15)
1962 “Theses on the role of historical method in the social sciences.” (In World Congress of Sociology, 5th. Transactions. Washington: 1962. I, 235-254)
1962 “Three basic trends of our items; the factors which are creating a new world culture,” (In Spain). Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Instituto Balmes de Sociologia. Estudios Sociologicos internatcionales. Madrid: 1962. II, 587-624)
1963 “Creative altruism.” (In Gammon, R., ed. Faith is a star. New York: 1963. P. 75-78)
1963 “Creativity in human history,” Sociologia internationalis, Bd. I, Heft 1 (1963), 55-66.
1963 “Creativity in human history,” (Spanish). “El factor de la creacion en la historia de la humanidad,” Boletin uruguayo de saociologia, ano III (agosto, 1963), 81-95.
1963 “The techniques of other yogas and the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo.” (In Das, P.C., comp. Vivekananda: the cosmic conscience. 1963. P.202-207)
1963 “Three basic trends of our items; the factors which are creating a new world culture,” (In Seminar on Social Research in National Development, Academy for Rural Development, Peshawar, 1963. Social research in national development. Peshawar: 1963. P. 17-58)
1963 “Three basic trends of our items; the factors which are creating a new world culture,”Vedanta and the West, no. 139, 7-19.
1964 “The active ideational culture mentality.” (In Scheider, L., ed. Religion, culture and society. New York: 1964. P. 248-252)
1964 “American sex revolution.” (In Schur, E.M., ed. The family and the sexual revolution. Bloomington: 1964. P. 149-154) (From his AMERICAN SEX REVOLUTION. Boston: 1956. P. 14-18; 131-134.
1964 “Comment la civilization se transforme. Petite bibliotheque sociologique international. Paris: M. Riviere, 1964. 248p. (From his SOCIAL AND CULTURAL MOBILITY. New York: 1959. P. 549-640)
1964 “The degradation of culture by masses.” (in Schneider, L., ed. Religion, culture and society. New York: 1964. P.252-253)
1964 “Differentiation of population into multibonded groups.” (In Simpson, R.L. and I.H. Simpson. Social organization and behavior: a reader in general sociology. New York: 1964. P.6-11)
1964 “Foreword.” (In Akilananda, Swami. Modern problems and religion. Boston: 1964. P.7-10)
1964 “Preface.” (In International Congress for the Comparative Study of Civilizations, 1st, Salzburg, 1961. The problems of civilizations. The Hague: 1964. P.5-6)
1965 “Foreword.” (In Chaudhuri, H. Integral yoga. London: 1965. P.11)
1965 “Sociology of yesterday, today and tomorrow,” American sociological review, XXX (Dec, 1965), 833-843.
1966 “The crisis of our age.” (In Yogendra, Shri. Yogo in modern life. 1st ed. Bombay: 1966. P. 82-97)
1966 “Diversity and unity in sociology.” (In World Congress of Sociology, 6th, Evain, 1966. Transactions. Geneve: 1966. I, 49-64)
1967 “The essential characteristics of the Russian nation in the twentieth century,” American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals, CCCLXX (Mar., 1967), 99-115.
1967 “Grudzuge unsere Zeit.” (In Schwarz, R., ed. Menschliche Existenz und modern Welt. Berlin: 1967. II, 132-149.
1967 “Reasons for socio-cultural change and variable recurrent processes.” (In Moore W.E. and R.M. Cook, comps. Readings on social change. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: 1967. P. 68-80)
??? “Arbeitsleistung und Entlohnung (Experimentelle Untersuchungen bei Kindern im Alter von 3-4 und von 13-14 Jahren),” Kolner Viertel jahrshefte fur Soziologie, Jahrg. VII, Heft 2, 186-198.
??? “Arnold J. Toynbee’s philosophy of history.”
??? “Besinggung und Zukunft.” P.3-15. (In Sorokin studies, v.5)
??? “Call for sane sex order,” Bhavan’s journal. (Complete bibliographic listing in collection catalogue)
??? “Vivilization (and Toynbee) on trial.”
??? “A critical note from Pitirim A. Sorokin.”
??? “Discussion.” (In Mareno, J.L. Pschodrama,…foundations of psychotherapy. Beacon, N.Y. p.163-164).
??? L’etat actuel de la Russie. Torino: “Vox Populorum”. 90p.
??? “Life-span, age-composition, and mortality of social organizations,” Mensch en maatschappij, jaarg. IX, nr. 1-2, 69-85.
1964 “Mutual convergence of the United States and the U.S.S.R. to the mixed sociocultural type.” (In Memoire du XIXe Congres International de Sociologie. Mexico: 1964. III, 1-46)
??? Review of Rocker, R. nationalism and culture. “A critical note from Pitirim A. Sorokin,” Rocker Publications Committee, Advertising letter, p.13.
??? Review of Toynbee, A.J. Civilization on trial. New York. “Civilization (and Toynbee) on trial,” Unitarian horizons, p.8.
??? “The roles of similarity and dissimilarty in social solidarity and antagonism,” Journal of legal and political sociology, p.34-55.
??? “Social dynamics (syllabus).” 156.
??? “Social mobility,” (German). “Soziale Bewegungsvorgange,” Kolner Vierteljahrshefte fur Soziologie, Jahrg. VI, Heft 2, 146-152.
??? “Sociology of yesterday, today and tomorrow,” (Spanish). “Sociologia de ayer, ayer, hoy y manana,” Revista interamericana de sociologia, p.13-34.
??? “Teorias sociologicas de la actualidad,” Revista interamericana de sociologia, vol. I, no. 1, 85-100.
??? “Theses on integrated education,” p.31-32. (Bound with Wilson, A.S. “Implication of Sorokin’s theses.”) (In Sorokin studies, v.6)
??? “Theses on the mutual influence of the natural and the social sciences upon each other.” (In Studi in onore di Corrado Gini. Roma. II, 455-469))
1933 Topics of the pro-seminar in sociology, 1932-33.
??? “Toynbee’s philosophy of history.”
??? “The western religion and morality of today,” Internationales Jajrbuch fur Religionssoziologies, p.9-49.
1923 Soziologie in Rubland // Kolner Vierteljahrshefte fur Soziologie.-J.3, Н.1.-S.92-93.
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