Pitirim Sorokin Foundation's Russian Portal

1922 Davis, Jerome The Russian Immigrant. New York: Macmillan, 1922.
1923 unknown "Russian Professor Is Guest at Vassar." PoughkeepsieEveningStar, 28 November 1923. VCA.
1923 unknown "Russian Revolutionist Now Is Guest at Vassar College." Poughkeepsie Evening Star, 15 December 1923. VCA.
1923 unknown "Russian Speaker Will Be Vassar's Guest Six Weeks." Poughkeepsie Evening Star, 12 November 1923. VCA.
1923 unknown "Sorokin's Views of Russia's Fate." Poughkeepsie Courier, 28 December 1923.
1924 unknown "Dr. Sorokine Gives Lectures." Poughkeepsie Evening Star, 15 January 1924. "Dr. Sorokine of Russia Gives Talk to Vassar Girls." Poughkeepsie Evening Star, 12 January 1924.
1924 unknown "Dr. Sorokine Talks to Vassar Students; Discusses Revolutions." Poughkeepsie Eagle News, 9 January 1924.
1924 unknown "Russia's Famous Cultural and Political Leader to Remain in Poughkeepsie-Watchful Waiting." Poughkeepsie Evening Star, 18 January 1924. VCA.
1924 unknown "Soviet Russia Will Continue Under Present Rulers, Belief of Professor Sorokin: Life of Government, However, Will End Sociologist Says; Addresses Rotary Club." Within Three Years, Noted Poughkeepsie Eagle News, 24 January 1924.
1927 unknown “Sorokin elected correspondent to Czecho-Slovakian Academy,” Minnesota alumni weekly, (May 14, 1927), 456.
1929 Sheperd, H "Fads for the Dads." The Hour Glass, 3 May 1929, 2.
1935 Zimmerman, C.C. Family and society; a study of the sociology of reconstruction. New York: Van Nostrand, 1935.
1937 Livingston, Arthur "Toward Another Civilization: Sorokin Predicts the Replace­ment of Ours by a Better Order." New York Times Book Review, 20 June 1937, 1.
1937 Sarkar, B.K. “India’s affinities with Eur-America in Sorokin’s analysis.” (In his Positive background of Hindu sociology. 2d ed. Allahabad: 1937. I, 27-29)
1938 Becker, H “Spengler and Sorokin.” (in Barnes, H.E. and H. Becker. Social thought from lore to science. Boston: 1938. I, 782-787)
1938 Devereux, G “Social time, a methodological and functional analysis,” American journal of sociology, LIII (May, 1938), 967-969.
1938 Sorokin, P.A. “Rejoinder,” American journal of sociology, LIII (May, 1938), 969-970.
1939 Hubbart, Charles A Century of Social Thought: A Series of Lectures Delivered at Duke ... By Charles Hubbard Judd, Harold Glenn Moulton, Henry Sloane Coffin,Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin etc ; Duke University Press; 1939;172p
1939 Guthrie “Sorokin: counselor to reaction,” Science and society, III (Spring, 1939), 1-12.
1942 Lins, M. “La sociologia en el concepto de Sorokin,” Revista Mexicana de socioliga, IV (agosto, 1942), 117-123.
1942 Prescott, Orville "Review of Man and Society in Calamity. " New York Times, 26 October 1942.
1943 Bartell, R.M. “Through tragedy to rebirth: Pitirim A. Sorokin.” (In his they work for tomorrow. New York: 1943. P.135-144)
1943 Hanley, T.R. “Some interpretations of the present world crisis,” National Benedictine Educational Association, Bulletin, XXV (Mar., 1943), 115-183.
1945 Ferreira, L.P. “Pitirin (sic) A. Sorokin y el concepto de la sociologia relcional,” Revista Mexicana de sociologia, VII (1945), 71-97.
1948 Dechesne, L. “La reconstruction de l’humanite d’apres Sorokin,” Academie royale de Belgique, Bulletin de la Classe des Lettres et des Sciences Morales et Politiques, XXXIV (5. Ser.) (1948), 613-623.
1948 Olivecerona, K. “Is a sociological explanation of law possible?” Theoria, vol. XIV, no. 2 (1948), 167-207.
1948 Speier, H. “The sociological ideas of Pitirim Alexandrovitch Sorokin: ‘integralist’ sociology.” (In Barnes, H.E., ed. An introductionto the history of sociology. Chicago: 1948. P.884-901)
1948 Thomas, W. “Some recent ideas of progress,” The personalist, (Spring, 1948), 128-136.
1948 Wiese, L. von. “Zur Literaturgeschichte: Pitirim A. Sorokin,” Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie, Jahrg. I, Heft 2 (1948/49), 209-221 /105-117-.
1949 Maquet, J.J.P. "Sociologie de la connaissance; sa structure et ses rapports avec la philosophie de la connaissance: etude critique des systems de Karl Mannheim et de Pitirim A. Sorokin. Louvain: Universtite Catholique, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, 1949. 360p.
1949 Soper, D.W. “Beyond our sensate culture; a study of Pitirim A. Sorokin,” Theorlogy today, V (Jan, 1949), 510-516.
1949 Geyl, Pieter The Pattern of the Past: Can We Determine It? By Pieter Geyl, Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin, Arnold J. Toynbee;Beacon Press;1949
1949 Wiese, L. von. “Sorokins system der algemeinen Soziologie,” Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie, Jahrg. II, Heft 2 (1949/50), 263-274 /111/112/.
1950 Becker, Howard Through Values to Social Interpretation. Durham, N.C.: Duke Univer­sity Press, 1950.
1950 Henry, J. “The principle of limits: with special reference to the social sciences,” Philosophy of sciences,” Philosophy of science, XVII (July, 1950), 247*253.
1951 Filiasi Carcano, P. “La sociologia della conoscenza,” Archivio di filosofia, phenomenologia e sociologia, (1951), 37-57.
1951 Maquet, J.J.P. The sociology of knowledge: it’s structure and its relation to the philosophy of knowledge: a critical analysis of the systems of Karl Mannheim and Pitirim A. Sorokin. Boston: Beacon Press, 1951. Xix, 318p.
1951 Odum, H.W. “Pitirim A.Sorokin.” (In his American sociology. 1st ed. New York: 1951. P.376-377)
1952 Cowell, F.R. History, civilization, and culture; an introduction to the historical and social philosophy of Pitirim A. Sorokin. London: A. and C. Black, 1952. Xii, 259p.
1952 Lyon, Q.M. “The logic of history,” Educational forum, (Jan, 1952), 165-173.
1952 Pichl, K. “Sociologie dor Zeitwende; der Beitrag Pitirim Sorokins,” Wort une Wahrheit, Jahrg. V (Feb, 1952), 130-134.
1952 Sykorski, I.I. Correspondence with Pitirim A. Sorokin 1943-52. USSA, Igor I. Sikorsky file.
1953 unknown “La Universidad Nacional otorga el grado de Doctor Honoris Causa al sociologo Pitirim A. Sorokin,” Revista Mexicana de sociologia, vol. XIV, no. 3 (1953), 463-465.
1953 Foley, A.S. “Pitirim Alexandrovitch Sorokin, 1889.” (In Mihanovich, C.S., ed. Social theorists. Milwaukee: 1953. P. 201-215)
1953 Foster, C. “Harvard invests $100,000 in love,” Pageant, (June, 1953), 36-40.
1953 Ruytinx, J. “Pour une sociologie de l’altruisme; les travaux du professeur P. A. Sorokin,” Morale et enseignement, no 9 (1953-54), 1-12.
1953 Simpson, R.L. “Pitirim Sorokin and his sociology” Social forces, XXXII (Dec, 1953), 120-131.
1954 Kunz, F.L. “Research in altruism: P.A. Sorokin and others,” Main currents in modern thought, XI (Sept, 1954), 21-22.
1954 Magalhaes, C.P. “Dramatique appel,” Institut de Demophilocratie pour la Paix universalle, Revue (Noel, 1954), 52-55.
1955 Gusmao, P.D. “Pitirim A Sorokin.” (In his o pensamento Juridico contemporaneo. Sao Paulo, Brasil: 1955. P. 140-142)
1955 Timasheff, N.S. “Pitirim A. Sorokin.” (In his Sociological theory. Garden City, N.Y.: 1955. P. 271-273)
1955 Allport, G W. Becoming; basic considerations for psychology of personality. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955.
1956 Pfiefer, John "A Manner of Speaking: Review of Fads and Foibles of Modern Sociology and Related Sciences. " New York Times, 21 November 1956, 36.
1957 Crubiller, M. “Sorokin: les moyens et la puissance de l’amour.” (In his Sens de l’histoire et religion. Paris: 1957. P. 73-121)
1957 Gjermoe, J.R. Pitirim A. Sorokins sosiale og historiske filosofi. Oslo: O. Norli, 1957. 192p.
1957 Kroeber, A. L. “Sorokin.” (In his Style and civilizations. Ithaca, N.Y.: 1957. Appendix III, p. 173-182)
1958 Geyl, P. “Prophets of doom (Sorokin and Toynbee).” (In his Debates with historians. New York: 1958. P. 150-164)
1959 Vine, M.W. “Pitirim A. Sorokin: social and cultural dynamics.” (In her Introduction to sociooogical theory. 1st ed. New York: 1959. p. 268-288)
1960 Echanove, T. “Sorokin, Pitirim Alexandrovitch.” (In his Sociologues d’aujourd’hui. Mexico: 1960. P. 110-124)
1961 Loomis, C.P. “Pitirm A. Sorokin as historical and systematic analyst.” (In Loomis, C.P. and Z. Loomis. Modern social theories. Princeton, N.J.: 1961 p. 442-497)
1961 Povina, A. El sistema sociologico de Sorokin. Cordoba, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, 1961. 18p.
1962 Gusmao, P.D. “Sorokin, teoria das flutuacoes dos sistemas sociolculturis.” (In his tTeorias sociologicas. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: 1962. P. 215- 231)
1962 Fraga, Iribarne La Guerra y la teoria del conflict social; discurso leido en el acto de su recepsion como academic. Madrid: 1962.
1962 Tiryakian, E.A. Sociologism and existentialism. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962.
1963 Tibbs, A.E. "Sorokin on Law, Revolution, War, and Social Calamities." In Pitirim A. Sorokin in Review, edited by Philip J. Allen. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1963.
1963 Agramonte y Pichardo, R. “La cultura y crisis de nuestro tiempo: Pitirim Sorokin.” (In his Estudios de sociologia contemporanea. 1. Ed. En castellano. Mexico: 1963. P. 337-377).
1963 Allen, P.J. Pitirim A. Sorokin in review. The American sociological forum. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1963. Xxii, 527
1963 Ford, Joseph "Sorokin as Philosopher." In Pitirim A. Sorokin in Review, edited by Philip J. Allen. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1963.
1963 Matter, Joseph A. Love, Altruism and the World Crisis: The Challenge of Pitirim Sorokin. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1974.
1963 Merton, Robert "Sorokin's Formulations in the Sociology of Science." In Pitirim A. Sorokin in Review, edited by Philip J. Allen. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1963.
1963 Riley, Matilda White "Sorokin's Use of Sociological Measurement." In Pitirim A. Sorokin in Review, edited by Philip J. Allen. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1963.
1963 Smith, T. Lynn "Sorokin's Rural-Urban Principles." In Pitirim A. Sorokin in Review, edited by Philip J. Allen. Durham N.C.: Duke University Press, 1963.
1963 Tiryakian, E.A. Sociological theory, values, and sociocultural change; essays in honor of Pitirim A. Sorokin. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963.
1963 Toynbee, Arnold "Sorokin's Philosophy of History." In Pitirim A. Sorokin in Review, edited by Philip J. Allen. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1963.
1963 Vexliard, Alexandre "Sorokin's Psychological Theories." In Pitirim A. Sorokin inReview, edited by Philip J. Allen. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1963.
1963 Moore, W.E. Social Change. Englewood Clliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1963.
1963 Tiryakian, E.A. Sociological Theory, Values, and Sociocultural Change: Essays in Honor of Pitirim A. Sorokin. New York: Free Press of Glencoe, 1963.
1964 Schneider, L “Toward assessment of Sorokin’s view of change.” (In Zollschan, G.K. and W. Hirsch, eds. Explorations in social change. Boston: 1964. P. 371-400)
1964 Sorokin P.A. “Comments on Schneider’s observations and criticisms.” (In Zollschan, G.K. and W. Hirsch, eds. Explorations in social change. Boston: 1964. P. 401-431)
1965 Lerner, Aaron D. "The Valuable Admission of Pitirim Sorokin." In Collected Works of V. I. Lenin, edited by Jim Riordin. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1965.
1968 Tamm, A. Philosophies of history: Spengler, Toynbee, Sorokin
1968 Zimmerman, C.C. Sorokin, the world’s greatest sociologist; his life and ideas on social time and change. University of Saskatchewan, Sorokin lectures, no. 1, 1968. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1968. Xviii, 97p.
1968 Ford, Joseph "Life and Works of Pitirim Alexandrovich Sorokin (1889-1968)." International Review ofSociology"
1970 Bush, D.N. The development of an integral theory.
1970 Singer, S.A. The Sorokin thesis: Jews in the sensate culture. Princeton, Princeton Hillel Foundation.
1972 Martindale, Don "Pitirim A. Sorokin: Soldier of Fortune." In Sorokin and Sociology: Essays in Honour of Pitirim A. Sorokin, edited by C. C. Hallen and R. Prasad. Agra, India: Satish Book Enterprise, 1972.
1973 Simerenko, Alex "Social Origin, Revolution and Sociology: The Work of Timasheff Sorokin and Gurvitch." British Journal of Sociology 24 (March 1973): 84-92.
1973 Tiryakian, E.A. Sorokin and Sociology. Edward A. Tiryakian. Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 2, No. 4, 389-390. Jul., 1973. Sorokin and Sociology, edited by gc HALLEN and ...
1974 Matter, Joseph Love, altruism, and world crisis : the challenge of Pitirim Sorokin, Chicago : Nelson-Hall, [1974]xvi, 313 p. ; 23 cm
1975 Sorokin, Elena "My Life with Pitirim Sorokin." International Journal of Contemporary Sociology” (January-April 1975): 1-27.
1977 DuWors, R.E. Sorokin, sociology, and the obdurate facts of social persistence. Calgary, Alta, University of Calgary.
1980 Bierwiler, K. Pitirim Sorokin's research in altruism. Ann Arbor, Mich, University Microfilms International.
1980 Tepperman, L. Did Canada have a future?: Sorokin's prophecies re-examined. Sorokin lectures, no. 11. Saskatoon, University of Saskatchewan.
1980 Williams, Robin "Pitirim A. Sorokin: Master and Prophet." In Sociological Traditions from Generation to Norwood, N.J.: Abex, 1980.Generation, edited by R. K. Merton and M. W. Riley.
1984 Palumbo, M Sorokin e la sociologia della mobilità. Quaderni dell'Istituto di scienza politica, Università di Genova, 2. Genova, E.C.I.G.
1986 Johnston, Barry "Sorokin and Parsons at Harvard: Institutional Conflict and the Origin of a Hegemonic Tradition." Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 22 (April 1986): 107-127.
1987 Johnston, Barry "Pitirim Sorokin and the American Sociological Association: The Politics of a Professional Society." Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 23 (April 1987): 103-122.
1988 Tiryakian, E.A. "Sociology's Dostoyevski: Pitirim A. Sorokin." The World & 13 (September 1988): 569-581.
1989 Marsden, L.R. Sorokin's dilemma: sociology and public policy development. [Saskatoon], University of Saskatchewan
1995 Johnston, Barry Pitirim A. Sorokin: an intellectual biography. Lawrence, Kan, University Press of Kansas.
1998 Sombart, Werner The early sociology of class. By Werner Sombart, Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin, Cecil Clare North, Richard Centers, John Dollard, Bryan S. Turner.Published 1998;Routledge;San Jose (Calif.); 2616 pages
1998 Johnston, Barry On the Practice of Sociology.By Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin, Barry V. Johnston; University of Chicago Press; 1998
2001 Pokrovski, N.E. Return of Pitirim Sorokin. Moscow, Pitirim Sorokin-Nikolai Kondratieff International Institute.
2002 Gambescia, C Invito alla lettura di Sorokin. Roma, Settimo sigillo.
2002 Balla, Balint Pitirim A. Sorokin : Leben, Werk und Wirkung / Bálint Balla, Ilja Srubar, Martin Albrecht (Hrsg.)Hamburg : Krämer, cop. 2002, 241 p. ; 21 cm
2002 Romano, M.A. Lost sociologists rediscovered. Mellen studies in sociology, v. 36. Lewiston, N.Y., Edwin Mellen Press.
2002 Vagero. Denny The Unknown Sorokin: His Life in Russia and the Essay on Suicide  By Denny Vågerö, Andrew Stickley, Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen, Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin;Södertörn högskola; 2002; 152
2004 Abbottoni, Barbara L'anima russa di Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin By Barbara Abbottoni; Martina; 2004
2006 Thomson, Gale "Living Through the Sexual Revolution,"Thomson Gale Publ. 2006, ISBN 0-7377-2963
2006 Pozo, Avino Integralism, altruism and reconstruction: essays in honor of Piritim A. Sorokin. Biblioteca Javier Coy d'estudis nord-americans. [Valencia], Departament de Fililogia Anglesa i Alemanya, Universitat de València.
2007 Chamerlain, Lesley Lenin's Private War.US edition 8/2007, ISBN-13: 978-0-312-36730-5
??? unknown “Good-will laboratory.” P. 113. (In Sorokin reviews)
??? unknown “Le professeur Pitirim A. Sorokin et la demophilocratie: sa biobiblipgraphie, son oeuvre au ‘Harvard Research Center in Creative Altruism’,” Institut de Demophilocratie pour la Paix universelle, Revue, annee V, no 1, 4-14.
??? unknown “Pitirim A. Sorokin.” P. 173-177. (In Articles on Sorokin, v.2)
??? unknown “Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin…bibliografia,” Revista Mexicana de sociologia, p. 449-450.
??? unknown “Sorokin, Pitirim A(lexandrovitch),” Current biography, p. 78-80.
??? Jesaka, K. Types of culture mentality and integrated culture; sociocultural dymanics of Sorokin. Johokugakuin University Press. 25p. (Extract of report of Mr. Jesaka at the general meeting of Japan Sociological Association)
??? Ono, T. “On the plans of peace of P.A. Solokin (i.e. Sorokin)” p. 99-110. (In Articles on Sorokin, v.2)
??? Vanfossen, M.G. An analysis of similarities in the theories of two analytical sociologists: Pitirim Sorokin and Talcott Parsons. Thesis (M.A.)--Pennsylvania State University.
??? Gerisola, Vera “Pitirim a. Sorokin.” (In Sociologos de nuestra epoca. P. 58-61)
??? unknown Sorokin and Sociology: Essays in Honour of Professor Pitirim A. Sorokin  By Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin, G. C. Hallen, Rajeshwar Prasad; Satish Book Enterprise;380pp
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